Hope Restored by Focus on the Family

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Beginning Monday July 15, 2024 thru Thursday July 18 17 Miles Away
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About this Class

What is Hope Restored?
A Hope Restored intensive is a biblically based, Christian counseling experience for couples facing a crisis moment in their marriage or suffering from years of disconnection and relationship decay. Our licensed Christian counselors are trained to work with couples with deep hurts and long-term problems.

How can Hope Restored help?
Our Focus Marital Therapy™ method packs nearly a year’s worth of personalized counseling into a 3- to 5-day intensive, allowing you to break patterns of conflict and miscommunication more effectively than weekly counseling. An intensive experience can help you make significant progress toward healing.

What makes Hope Restored different?
The redemptive hope of the Gospel is at the center of our therapy. As you and your spouse experience Christ’s grace and forgiveness — first as individuals, then as a couple — you can start on a path to restoration. Our counseling tools and aftercare coaching are rooted in as a sacred, lifelong covenant between a man and a woman.

What if I haven’t practiced my faith in years — or not at all?
You are deeply loved by God. Come experience the grace only He can provide. We’ll walk alongside you every step of your journey. Are you ready to see what God can do through a Hope Restored marriage intensive?

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