Enjoy Your Marriage Workshop

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Saturday March 30, 2024 from 8:30am to 4pm 17 Miles Away
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About this Class

Discover the profound impact of our Enjoy Your Marriage Workshop, a catalyst for positive change in all relationships. Engaged, happily married, or facing challenges, this seminar offers renewed hope and encouragement. Guided by church teachings, scripture, and the Alexanders' personal journey, this engaging workshop covers:

Marriage in the Catholic Church (God’s Plan for Marriage)Marriage is not a creation of attorneys or psychologists; it is a sacred institution established by God Himself, imbued with divine and supernatural grace. To truly experience the profound joys and happiness that marriage offers, it is imperative that we align our lives with God's purpose for this holy union. In this workshop, we impart an understanding of God's plan and intention for marriage, emphasizing our divine calling to sanctify and support one another on our journey toward heaven, where we seek eternal union with Him upon our passing.

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